Plastic caps are among the most commonly found plastic debris in the ocean, is a global problem, with an estimated 4 trillion plastic caps produced yearly.


"Art is our true global language. It knows no nation, it favours no race, and it acknowledges no class. It speaks to our need to revel, heal, and transform. It transcends our ordinary lives and lets us imagine what is possible."

- Richard Kamler

pieces of plastic

were reported by The International Coastal Clean-up in Barbados in 2019.



can take for a plastic cap to degrade. That means the first piece of plastic still exists. 



of litter in Barbados is from plastic, making them the most prevalent items on the beaches' shores.

Located on the rugged East Coast of Barbados, The Codrington School’s mission is to empower all children and adults within the community to become internationally-minded learners who embrace and respect academic excellence and a love of life-long learning. They are actively supportive of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and encourage progressive global stewardship.

it takes a village

We appreciate the efforts of the volunteers of the school and community members. Working together is crucial for making impactful changes and improving the lives of those around us. The dedication and selflessness of these volunteers are genuinely commendable and deserve recognition. 

It is through collaboration and teamwork that we can achieve incredible feats​​​​.

it takes a village

We appreciate the efforts of the volunteers of the school and community members. Working together as a team is crucial for making impactful changes and improving the lives of those around us. The dedication and selflessness of these volunteers are truly commendable and deserve recognition. 

It is through collaboration and teamwork that we can achieve great feats​​​​​.

Environmental education is essential for children to understand and face the effects of climate change. It increases awareness and knowledge, improves problem-solving and decision-making skills, and promotes sustainable lifestyles. Schools are a great place to create and implement solutions to strengthen resilience to climate change and empower children to participate in climate change initiatives.


Meet the Artist

Madeleine Asunción is an experienced artist, designer, and educator who has been creating socially engaged art and promoting environmental education since 2012. She strongly believes in the young generations' potential to collaborate and inspire innovative and sustainable ways of working with nature. Madeleine considers herself a lifelong learner and is always eager to engage with different communities, their unique skills and diverse backgrounds. 

"The strongest governments on earth cannot clean up pollution by themselves. They must rely on each ordinary person, like you and me, on our choices and on our will."


- Chai Jing 


Good Health and Well-being 


Quality Education

SDG 11
Sustainable Cities and Communities

SDG 12

Responsible Consumption and Production

SDG 13

Climate Action

Reconnecting with Nature is a non-profit network organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of communities by enabling personal development and active participation in environmental and sustainable awareness matters.